Friday morning, the boys golfed while Taylor and I did a little shopping. Later that afternoon, we joined the parents and introduced Taylor to Lopez!!
After our lunch, we headed off to the rodeo! Toby Keith was playing that night, but we didn't really go for him. We went more for the whole rodeo experience; fried food, the smell of poop and cute farm animals. Speaking of farm animals, one of my favorite animal's is a pig. So, we asked where the baby pigs were and headed that way. Little did I know, the baby pigs were in the 'birthing center'. Which is exactly what it sounds like. It's a place where animals have either just given or are waiting to give birth. Why would people want to watch this? I have no earthly idea. I was strolling along looking at all of the cute little pigs and suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see two people with their hands in the 'catcher' position who were both a little to close for comfort to this sheep... or goat, whatever it was, not sure, I didn't get a good look. I ran over to Jer in horror and said, 'Ohmigod, I think that thing is giving birth.' This girl that was in front of us turns around and says 'where'. I looked at her like, 'What the??' and pointed to my left. Who the eff wants to watch a farm animal (let alone any living being) give birth???? NOT ME!!!! Especially knowing that I am going to go through that in about 7 months, I had no interest. I quickly hustled my way out of there and patiently waited for the rest of my family to stop their gawking so I could get a coke.
Moving on.... Saturday we went and hung out at my parent's house for lunch and sun tanning. Later that evening, we got all fancied up and headed to Rachael and Kevin's wedding. It was really pretty and fun! They had an open bar and I had my first virgin bloody mary! I must say, it was pretty yummy. Here Taylor and I are at the wedding...

Sunday we got up and made breakfast burritos and watched 'Up In The Air'.... it was OK. Not sure what all the hype was about.
This week is my Spring Break. I have mostly been tanning outside while reading this.......

Sooo relaxing! We heard baby's heartbeat for the first time today!! It was amazing and I can't wait to hear it again and again.
Speaking of baby.... I was doing my usual weekly Target run and instantly fell in love with this book...

I picked it up and started reading it and started crying in the middle of target... I knew I had to get it! The first couple of lines read...
'On the night you were born,
the moon smiled with such wonder
that the stars peeked in to see you
and the night wind whispered,
"Life will never be the same."
Because there had never been anyone like you...
ever in the world.'
I also picked up this cute top from the new 'Liberty of London' collection:

It's a little loose- so I know my belly will have room to grow in it.
Hope everyone is having a great week!!
P.S.- I sort of totally changed what I want for the nursery- so I will post another 'nursery inspiration' post soon!
XOXO Haley
sounds so fun and you looked gorgeous at the wedding! i miss you!