Hola Chicas! Got some not very good news yesterday... nothing horrible, but it still scared me. I had my glucose tolerance test last Friday, which I passed. But my DR called and said I had low anemia levels. 80% of pregnant women have this problem, it just means I am not producing enough iron. (I had to look this info up) Iron is what's in our blood and is necessary to carry blood to our organs. The good news is is that this doesn't effect Owen at all. (Please let me know if this info isn't correct, I did get it on the internet! :))
Overall, I basically have to take an extra iron supplement, on top of my prenatal vitamin, and I need to eat more foods rich in iron. Red meat, green leafy vegetables and wheat are all high in iron, so I am going to the grocery store today and stocking up!
I know this is very minor and I see that today. But I have never received a call from my doctor, so that in itself was scary. (Knock on wood) This whole pregnancy has been virtually 'problem free' and I guess I expected it to keep going like that.. i'm just glad it's something as minor as eating more beef and taking an extra pill a day. Anyways, on to something more fun....
I follow Timi and Leslie on Facebook, the brand that makes my diaper bag. The other day, a picture of their new colors popped up for The Charlie Tote. My parents are gifting me the black one for one of my showers, and it has already been ordered. I wanted to go with a 'classic' color rather than a trendy one, so I wouldn't get sick of it. Also, Jer said in an 'emergency' the only color he would carry would be black. He tries to come off as such a manly man, but I know he would carry a turquoise diaper bag for his little boy if he had to.
That aside, I am DYING over their new colors.....

Does anyone else watch QVC or The Home Shopping Network when absolutely nothing else is on? I surely do! My favorite is Rachel Zoe for QVC... she could sell me anything, I love her. Well, I was flipping through the channels the other day and a brand called 'Curations by Stefani Greenfield' was on. SO cute, but overpriced in my opinion. Either way, here are a few of my faves from that line.

I'm not sure about anyone else, but right around the time school starts, I get an itch to start buying for my fall wardrobe. I know that's ridiculous, as it doesn't get cold until November, but I guess I get a little tired of summer clothes and want something new. Does anyone else do this??
Hope everyone's having a great week!
XOXO Haley
You poor, sweet little mama! I know how scary getting "news" from your doctor can be- but I was anemic too, and the iron supplement was enough to take care of everything for me. No biggie. Promise.
ReplyDeleteAnd Zach gave me the 'diaper bag' spiel too, but more than once, he was spotted carrying my cream and black polka dotted, pink snake skin trimmed diaper bag. Only when I was with him, though, of course!
Hope the iron supplement helps! I'm sure that was a scary phone call but glad it sounds like all is well!
ReplyDeleteThose bags are gorgeous and I love that cocktail ring. I'm feeling the fall clothes bug too... love everything about dressing for the cooler months!
I think the black was a good call on the bag!
ReplyDeleteI love that line of clothing, cute stuff but ya too much $$
I do not need a diaper bag NOR does orange look even halfway decent on me, but DANG GIRL! Even I GOTTAHAVE that bag!!!