Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ask, You Shall Receive

Thanks to my bestie Ivy.. I have come to the dark side and downloaded blogpress on my iPhone! Love it... Now my twatting ( I know that's not what it's called, my husband calls it that) friends can rejoice in my more frequent blog posts!

Behold, my self-soothing, thumb-sucking boy.

Xoxo Haley

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. oh i love him!!! another thumb sucker!!! he and gray will for sure be buddies! cant wait to see yall tom!love you!

  2. OH my heavens, he is adorable!! Love it!

  3. ahhhhh i love a thumb sucker!!!!

  4. Seriously, he is beyond precious. Do you just snuggle him and kiss his cute cheeks all day long?? Thanks for the pic :)

  5. Cutest pic of your little man yet! I love that you now instant blog. Sorry I missed you in Dallas this weekend.
