Monday, January 31, 2011

Snug as a Bug

This is how Owen sleeps.

Kinda dark, but I didn't want to turn on the lamp and disturb him. He sleeps on his side, usually his left, but tonight he is favoring the right side.

We're going to move him into his bedroom in about a week, so I'm cherishing these last few nights of him sleeping next to me. I love this little guy so much.

Xoxo Haley

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Boys at the Park

Jer sent me this picture today while my sister and I were shopping.

Him and my Dad took Brock and Owen to the park!! Brock loved playing on the slide but apparently our little Owen Bear didn't like the wind on his face.

Notice their matching outfits... My heart could burst. :)

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my iPhone

Thursday, January 27, 2011

One Test

A year ago today, I took a test that changed my life forever. I found out this little angel was growing in my belly....

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ask, You Shall Receive

Thanks to my bestie Ivy.. I have come to the dark side and downloaded blogpress on my iPhone! Love it... Now my twatting ( I know that's not what it's called, my husband calls it that) friends can rejoice in my more frequent blog posts!

Behold, my self-soothing, thumb-sucking boy.

Xoxo Haley

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ladies Lunch and Catch up

Before I had Owen, I never understood those women who said 'i'm so sad, my (insert son/daughter) is growing up so fast!' I would think, 'Well DUH this is how it happens.' Now that I am not so cynical, I am ONE OF THOSE WOMEN. When I see newborns, I miss him being that little, but on the other hand, I LOVE watching my little man grow.
Jer and I went shopping Sunday for some Spring clothes for him at Baby Gap. I've been drooling over their stuff online and I have gift cards burning a whole in my Charlie diaper bag (muhaha, you thought I was going to say pocket), so it was a perfect time to go!
I have no idea why, but I like to buy clothes a couple months before I wear them. Why? I think I got used to this while I was pregnant; buying clothes for Owen that he wouldn't wear for a few months (because he was still growing in my belly). I hope I grow out of this trend soon.
Owen has been growing non-stop lately!! I can't believe he will be 3 months old on Thursday. He's changing so much every day, but i'll save that for Thursday's post!
I'm thinking of bringing back 'Material Girl' posts about the fun things i've been buying or had my eye on! Yay or nay?
Last week, I met up at Sandy's (yum) with some old friends and new ones! Taylor, her babies, Stephanie, Ivy and I had an amazing lunch! I had been acquainted with Stephanie, but never really sat down and talked with her. I'm so glad Ivy introduced us! She is so sweet and funny and I look forward to when her and her hubby move back to Texas.
Ivy and Gracie girl
Ivy, Stephanie and their 'babies' haha
The best Mommy I know
Grayson! He is so handsome.
He's gonna be a heartbreaker
Feeding our babies (they're gonna get married one day!)
Ivy and her favorite 'nephew'

Owen is waking up from his nap and Jer will be home for lunch soon.. must get back to my 'wifely duties'. Have a great Tuesday!

XOXO Haley

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Owen's First Christmas

Owen's first Christmas was everything I hoped it would be! Christmas Eve was spent with Jer's parents, we ate dinner and unwrapped presents. The next morning was spent with my family; my parents, Granny and brother came over for breakfast tacos and more presents! Christmas day, we had all of the Sturgeon's and Davis' over for a big family meal. It was amazing and I loved that Owen was surrounded by family for his very first Christmas. Here are some pictures:

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

XOXO Haley