When I got to her house, she had a fresh pot of coffee and a comfy couch waiting for me! We lounged for a couple hours, grabbed lunch at a cute little soup and salad place, and started shopping! We went to Kohl's first, where we both got some really cute dresses (on sale!).. then went to Garden Ridge. I told Christy that was looking for some 'Mexican' shirts for when my belly gets bigger, because I knew San Antonio would be the best place (next to Mexico) to grab some for cheap. Well, her sister had actually found some adorable Mexican dresses at Garden Ridge! Of all the places!! So, we moseyed on down to old Garden Ridge and found so many dresses, it was hard to choose a color. Oh yeah, and they were $10!
That evening, we went over to Christy's parent's house to watch Brooke, her niece! Brooke is adorable and we had so much fun playing with her.
Friday, we went to the River Walk and shopped some more! It sounds like all we did was shop (and eat!) but I promise you, I didn't spend more than $100 the whole weekend. I am a bargain shopper and I pride myself on it. I don't see the point in spending a lot of money on something I won't want to wear next year! If i can't get it on sale or with a coupon, I usually don't get it or wait until it goes on sale. Call me cheap, I refer to it as thrifty!
Anywho, Friday evening we relaxed and watched the movie 'Princess and The Frog'. So cute and there was a bloodhound in it! SCORE.

Saturday we went to a cute shopping center called La Cantera. We lunched and I searched for a cute pair of black sandals. Finding sandals wasn't a success, but lunch definitely was.

Christy also introduced me to an amazing frozen yogurt place called 'Orange Cup'... AMAZING.

Saturday night, we enjoyed a cookout at Christy's parent's house and then it was time to pick Jer up from the airport!
Sadly, we left San Antone Sunday afternoon and were worn out from fun weekends on both parts!
Hope everyone is having a great week.. i'll be back with a 'Material Girl' post later this week to show you some of the stuff I got this weekend.
I leave you with a 16 week prego pic!!
XOXO Haley
P.S.- Sex and The City fans.... run to your nearest bookstore for 'The Carrie Diaries' is out! I got a copy today and can't wait to read it. AND have you seen this month's issue of Vogue?? Can't get enough SJP!